
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Johnwriter's stickit notes....: Kala Ghoda Arts Festival Pictures

Also read the post mortem of the Kala Ghoda literary event conducted by Caferati

1 comment:

  1. wel i am not posting this comment on caferati! I am not a member f caferati! But i want to post a comment on the members of the caferati on John's blog! So John's friends visiting here, if i am gonna say something wrong ... it is my humble request - please do not flog me!
    Akshaya - I think he was just giving his opinion - N i think we do not live in Saudi Arabia
    Raamesh - has apologized after what looks like sincere introspection - for his obviously wrong acussation-like-so-called-questions- so the matter is closed!
    Sridala - I like the way she presents her stand
    David Isreal - Ditto for him
    Shiladitya & Me - Deserve to be politicians since v can agree 2 all n sundry!
    Peter - V can understand the hurt that Peter must have felt! Yet i guess, things could have been taken on a lighter note!
    Akshaya again - He left with words not so appropriate - but i still would not blame him - i feel he was ill-treated considering the fact that he was relatively ignorant about the workings of the caferati - he deserved some polite enlightenment than outright flogging!
    Me - I am sorry in advance for expressing my honest opinions without knowing much about caferati - but then i was invited 2 do so by John! & I trust John completely & thats y I wrote these comments after much consideration - if i have been wrong somewhere do feel free to correct me.
    I forgot Jugal
    Jugal - Wat can I say? I am too scared to say anything! So scared, that I don't see myself joining Caferati! I am happy with my life away from it!


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