
Saturday, January 21, 2006

My Caferati* Experience

Jumping into the fray. Someone mentioned that writers who write for themselves and refuse to share their writing with others or discuss ways to improve their craft are being selfish. I tend to agree. Why write if you are only write for yourself? I mean, you don't qualify to be called writers if you see it as a private thing. Then you are a diary-ist (or something such).

This forum was conceived (I may be wrong) for writers who want to improve their craft and maybe in due course be published by magazines, newspapers, or publishing houses. Believe me there is a big industry out there looking for competent writers and the pay is unbelievably good. I for one am a technical writer and write for web-based businesses and BPO outfits. We have been desperately looking for writers and not getting any. That too, with a good salary package and perks to match.

If not, take creative writing. There are a whole lot of possibilities for creative writers. And, you are doing what you love and earning some money on the side.

Why I am committed to Caferati is because every since we first met at a sea shore somewhere in Bandra Bandstand I have improved tremendously as a writer and now know the basics of the craft, if not a little more. I can also recognize what is good writing and what is mere fluff.

* Caferati is a forum for Indian writers


  1. Good one john...Thanks for sharing!
    I am actually reading a book right now called the "The art and craft of poetry" by Michael J. Bugeja

    This surely is something. Great book, great workshops and now, I read your article that talks about "improving your craft". Cool!
    Rashmi :-)

  2. Hi Rashmi,


    Hope to inspire you to write great poetry. You photoshop creations are "wow."

    Keep writing, and visiting my blog:)



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